We use a rigorous and thorough process to select tutors who are knowledgeable, friendly, intelligent, and professional. We also are careful to match our students with a nursing school advisor based on our students’ profiles, backgrounds, and interests. The information you give us in your comprehensive intake form helps us create these matches.
That being said, we recognize the importance of being able to get along with your tutor - your application’s quality can be directly affected by your relationship with them. However, building a relationship can take time as you and your tutor get to know one another. Switching tutors prematurely can sometimes undo this progress, so we try to avoid it.
However, if you have issues, you can email us at ceo@quadeducationgroup.com, and our CEO will respond personally to you within 48 hours. Helping you get into your dream school is our number one priority, and switching consultants is sometimes necessary for that to happen.