When Do AP Scores Come Out? AP Score Release Date 2024!

Notebook with 'January' written in blue and black ink inside it
June 11, 2024
4 min read
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Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 3/12/24

If you’re wondering when AP scores come out, you’ve come to the right place! Our guide will walk you through the full release window for your highly coveted scores.

When it comes to college, most students do everything they can to ensure their acceptance to their dream school. Often, this involves taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses and the subsequent exams during high school to prepare for a college-level education. To help you understand when AP scores come out, we've prepared a guide for your reference.

Rigorous AP classes demand a heavier course load, but you can earn college credit for that course if you pass the exam. Most students spend months preparing before their exam dates to ensure they receive a good score.  Now it’s time to find out eactly when these scores are released.

When Do AP Scores Come Out in 2024?

This year, AP scores come out in July. To view the exact release dates, the AP score report access schedule will become available in the spring. If you haven’t received your scores in AP calculus or any other AP scores by September 1, the College Board recommends contacting AP services for students for assistance.

Where Can You Find My AP Scores 2024?

Once scores are released, you can find them by following these steps:

1. Visit the official College Board website.

2. Log in to your College Board account using your credentials.

3. Navigate to the "AP Scores" section in your dashboard or profile.

4. You should be able to view your AP scores for the 2024 exams listed there.

Contact the College Board support team for assistance if you encounter any difficulties or have questions about accessing your scores.

What if Your AP Results in 2024 Are Unavailable?

Follow these steps if your AP results for the year 2024 are unavailable on the College Board website:

  1. Check for updates, as there may be delays in the release of scores. Check the College Board website regularly for updates on when your scores will become available.
  2. Contact College Board If you've waited for a reasonable amount of time and still need access to your scores, contacting College Board's customer support is a good idea. They can provide you with information on the status of your scores and help resolve any issues you may be facing.
  3. Verify your information by double-checking that you've used the correct login credentials and that your personal information matches what's on record with the College Board. Sometimes, discrepancies in data can cause access issues.
  4. Consider technical problems to ensure no technical issues, such as browser compatibility or network problems. Accessing your scores from a different device or network can sometimes resolve this.
  5. Wait for mail delivery; sometimes, if your scores are unavailable online, you may receive them via physical mail. Monitor your mailbox for score reports if online access is delayed or unavailable.

What is a Good AP Score?

A score of three or higher is considered a good score as that signifies a passing exam. The AP scores range from one to five, with five being the highest possible score. 

If you score a five on the AP exam, you exceed expectations and are almost guaranteed an exemption from that course when you attend college. 

A four on the AP exam also shows that you are very qualified. Scoring a four tells the admissions team that you scored either an A- or a B on the exam and shows you have a firm grasp of the course material. 

A score of three is the final accepted score on an AP exam. This score is like a grade of B- or a C. You’ll have to review the requirements of the colleges you apply to, but most colleges will accept a three as an exemption from the college course. 

If you score one or two, you aren’t qualified for course exemption, but don’t let this scare you away. A low score will not be detrimental to your acceptance if you still maintain a high grade in the class. 

As stated before, your final grade in the class is not affected if you fail the exam. A failed exam does not equate to rejection from your dream school. You won’t be exempt from the college course, but if you keep your notes from the AP class, you’ll have a head start on all the material.

If you’re curious about what your AP exam scores might look like, you try calculating your scores in advance. For example, our AP US History score calculator can help you determine what you might score on your APUSH exam, one of the most challenging AP exams to pass!

How AP Classes and Scores Impact College Admission

AP classes carry a lot of weight when colleges begin looking at applications. Taking AP classes and earning high grades in those classes shows admissions teams you can handle a rigorous education. A high AP score helps your chances of admission, but the admissions team also considers your overall GPA, SAT, and ACT scores. 

But what happens if you pass the class but fail the exam? Does this ruin your chances of getting accepted into your dream school? You must try to take AP classes if you can and do your best on the exam, but the AP score doesn’t matter as much as you might think.

Your score on the AP exam determines if you’re exempt from that subject when you attend college. For example, if you score a five on the AP Psychology exam, you earn college credit for that class. 

Of course, this varies from school to school, so you’ll need to look into the requirements for the college you’re applying to, but essentially, your score shows your mastery of the subject at a college level. 

If you do poorly on the exam, it does not ruin your chances of acceptance. There are many factors that admissions teams look at when considering prospective students. 

Don’t let the fear of a potential bad grade steer you from pursuing an AP course. Your exam score won’t hinder your chances of acceptance, and these courses give you a glimpse of what to expect in college. 

Try your best to earn a high score, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t. Some students suffer from testing anxiety, so you must understand that you’re not judged solely on your exam scores. If you receive a less-than-stellar score, that’s okay! You can still apply to the desired schools, and at least you’ll have a headstart on the subject.

6 Tips to Get the Best AP Score

You’re probably wondering how to prepare for an exam like this. The AP exam tests you on everything you learned in the course, and it can be challenging trying to remember every little detail. Luckily, we’ve devised a step-by-step plan to help you succeed. 

Tip #1: Start Early

The best way to prepare for an important exam is to start studying as soon as possible. Review your notes whenever you can to keep the information fresh in your mind. You want your mind to stay sharp. 

For easy access, you can write your notes on flashcards to take them wherever you go to quiz yourself in your free time. Try to study the material at least once daily, whether for 30 minutes or an hour. 

Tip #2: Set Up a Study Group

Studying with classmates is a great way to prepare for this exam. Remember that you all are in this together, striving for the same goal. Learning with a group helps keep you focused on studying. When you study alone, it’s easy to get distracted. 

Find a place that’s kind of quiet but not so quiet that you can’t talk. You could also set up a basket to collect everyone’s phones so no one is distracted. 

Group study sessions are also beneficial because each student has their strengths and weaknesses within the subject. By studying together, you can help someone in an area they’re weak in, and they can do the same for you. 

Tip #3: Focus on Your Weaknesses

Studying all of the material is essential, but devote more of your study time to your weak areas. You want to build a strong foundation before you take this exam, and the best way to do that is to ensure you have a firm grasp on everything.

If you can’t seem to understand independently, you could always seek guidance from a classmate or ask if your teacher has any free time to tutor you. Your teacher also wants you to succeed, so don’t be afraid to ask for their help if you need it. 

Tip #4: Leave Notes Around the House

This study tip is beneficial for taking a foreign language AP exam. Leave sticky notes around your house with the necessary information so your brain is constantly challenged. If you’re preparing for a language exam, you can place sticky notes on household objects and quiz yourself on their name in a foreign language. You can also practice with classmates by only speaking in that language to test your sentence structure and grammar. 

Tip #5: Take Practice Exams

If you’ve never taken an AP exam, practice exams show what you can expect. Many websites offer free practice exams, but AP Practice Exams provide a wide selection of practice AP exams

The website has a separate tab for each subject, making finding the practice exam you need easy. And they’re free! You can also find websites that provide AP lessons on different subjects if you need more study material. 

Tip #6: Take Breaks

You don’t want to burn yourself out on the material. By constantly overloading your brain with information, you risk exhausting your mind and forgetting important details you’ll need later. Take breaks in between study sessions to allow your brain to rest. 

You also want to ensure you’re not falling behind in your other classes. Passing the exam is essential, but your score is not the only factor the college admissions team considers. 

AP Score Release Date FAQs

If you still have questions about the AP score release window, refer to our FAQ section below.

1. When Are AP Scores Sent To Colleges?

If you designate your free score in the "My AP" section by June 20, colleges will receive your scores by early July. You must submit your free score before the deadline of June 20 to be eligible.

2. When Will AP Scores Be Released In 2024?

In 2024, AP scores will be released in July. Last year, the College Board released AP scores on July 5. The full AP score report access schedule to view the exact dates will be released in the spring.

3. Can I Send AP Scores After The Deadline?

Yes, you can submit AP scores anytime after the June 20th deadline through the College Board for a fee. Before June 20th, students may use their "free score send" to send their AP scores to a college or university free of charge.

4. Did AP Scores Come Out?

The 2024 AP scores have not yet come out. How long it takes to get your AP scores will vary depending on your state.

5. Will My Previous AP Scores Be Included In My Score Report?

Yes, your previous AP scores are available for your college, scholarship program, or university to see when you send your score report. However, you can withhold or cancel your scores if you want them hidden.

6. Can I Retake The AP exam?

AP exams are only administered once a year, but you can retake an exam if you're unhappy with your score, and you can take the exam as many times as it's offered. Scores are reported unless you request to cancel them.

7. Do AP Scores Ever Expire?

No, AP scores do not expire. Once you receive an AP score, unless you request to keep it hidden, it's yours to keep. If your last AP score was given to you four or more years ago, The College Board will keep it archived so you can still use it for your college application.

Final Thoughts: When Do AP Scores Come Out

AP exams can be a daunting experience, as they encompass a wide range of college-level material covered throughout the year. Many students are unaware of the AP score release window and are worried about applying late to college.

It's essential to keep track of the score release timeline to plan your college applications effectively. By understanding when your scores will be available and how to send them to colleges, you can navigate the process with confidence.

Remember, your AP journey is a testament to your hard work and dedication. Whether you're aiming for college credit, advanced placement, or simply challenging yourself academically, your efforts will pay off in the long run.

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