AP US History (APUSH) Score Calculator

AP US History (APUSH) Score Calculator

Find Out How You’ll Score On the AP US History Exam With Our Easy Calculator!

Are you curious about your potential score on the AP US History exam? We’ve got you covered! We know that APUSH can be extremely challenging and often hard to pass. That’s why we’ve created our AP US History Score Calculator to help you prepare for the exam. 

Our user-friendly calculator is completely free and easy to use. Once you’ve input your score, the calculator will estimate how you might perform on the real exam. Get ahead of the game and boost your confidence for the AP US History exam by giving our calculator a try today! 

How Does Quad’s APUSH Score Calculator Work?

Our APUSH score calculator operates by simplifying the complex process of evaluating AP US History exam performance. Users input their scores from the multiple-choice and free-response questions sections. Then the calculator uses a scoring system to calculate the values assigned to each section. 

After computing the scores for both sections, it combines them to generate a total composite score, a potential AP score, the multiple-choice question score, and the free-response question score. 

AP US History: What You Need to Know

Here is everything you need to know about the AP US History exam.


The APUSH exam is split into two parts over three hours and 15 minutes. The first section lasts 95 minutes, featuring 55 multiple-choice and three short-answer questions. The second section, lasting 100 minutes, presents one document-based question (DBQ) and one long essay question. 

What Is the APUSH DBQ?

The APUSH DBQ, the longest part of the APUSH exam, lasts 60 minutes and constitutes 25% of the total score. It requires analyzing documents representing various perspectives on a historical event or development from 1491. Crafting a well-supported, analytical response is crucial, and using our AP US History Score Calculator can help identify areas for improvement!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers. 

1. Is 3 a Good Score On APUSH?

A 3 is considered a passing score, and if you receive this score, you’re eligible for college credit. A 3 is a good score for APUSH, considering the exam is quite challenging. For APUSH, a good score ranges from 3 to 5. 

2. Is AP US History the Hardest AP? 

AP US History is one of the hardest AP classes, but not the most challenging. Physics 1 has an average exam score of 2.41, while APUSH has an average score of 2.52, making it the most challenging AP exam. 

3. Do Colleges Accept a 3 On APUSH?

Yes, colleges do accept a 3 for APUSH. A 3 is considered a passing score and is eligible for college credit. Anything above a 3 is eligible for college credit. 

4. What Is the Average APUSH Score?

The average APUSH score over the past six years was around 2.70. The recent average APUSH score is 2.52. This average is low compared to other AP exam scores, such as Government and Politics, with a score of  3.16, and Computer Science, with a score of 3.12. 

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