John Hopkins University

Elijah Felt Lost In Choice Until We Helped Him Curate the Ultimate College List

John Hopkins University
Elijah always knew he wanted to be a doctor. However, he felt lost when faced with seemingly endless college choices and struggled to build his school list. Unsure where to start, he sought out Quad Education to gain insight into which colleges would check all his boxes.
We paired Elijah with an expert consultant ready to learn all about his preferences, dreams, and needs. Although Elijah earned a stellar GPA, he chose our 15-school all-inclusive package to maximize his chances of success.

Applicant Persona


African American










Many high school seniors struggle to build their school list. Many students may have limited knowledge of the college process in general, especially when school counselors oversee hundreds of students each year. Therefore, students may not have the resources or insider knowledge to build a varied, tailored list.

Some students may have too many schools they’re interested in, whereas others may not have a list that’s varied enough; for example, only applying to “reach” schools can be a gamble. In Elijah’s case, we had a clean slate to help him build the ultimate list.

How Did Quad Education Help?

We started by reassuring Elijah that not knowing where to apply is a common issue for students. Afterward, we got to know Elijah on a personal level: his dreams, interests, academic standing, passions, preferences, and more. We love to learn about our clients to provide the most personalized, friendly college consulting experience possible.

Identifying Schools That Checked Every Box

School selection can be difficult. That’s why we considered everything Elijah shared with us to identify potential best-fit schools. For example, Elijah shared his dreams of becoming a physician, had no location preferences or budget constraints, and preferred an urban campus.

Based on these selection factors, we compiled a list of 30 potential schools that checked most or all of his boxes. Upon Elijah’s review and college research, he selected 15 schools to apply to (ranging from safety to reach schools to maximize his chances of success).


Out of the 15 schools Elijah applied to, he was accepted at 12, including John Hopkins, Northwestern, Brown, Duke, and UCLA. Elijah decided John Hopkins University was the best-fit school for him as a pre-med student.

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Sign up for a Free Consultation

Learn how to improve your admissions chances by speaking with one of our admissions experts. During our consultation, we will discuss your background and goals, evaluate your candidacy, provide you with concrete feedback, and then of course, answer any questions that you might have.

We’ll also discuss our programs and how we will work together throughout your application process. We look forward to speaking with you soon!