Hear How Quad Education Helped James Get Accepted to the Ivy League

James wanted essay writing assistance to help his college application shine. We provided the expert insights he needed to position himself as the ultimate applicant! Discover James’ Quad Education review below.


Like many college applicants, James found writing his personal statement and supplemental essays the most challenging part of the college application process. “I really wasn’t sure how to write those essays and what I should talk about,” he said. 

In a quest to help James succeed, his parents approached Quad Education. “They’re first-gen immigrants from China, so they’re unfamiliar with the college application process here in the US. But they still wanted to provide me with some help in the application process, so they recommended Quad,” he said.

Read on to learn how we supported and guided James’ journey to Ivy League acceptance! 

How Quad Education Helped

James began meeting with his counselor weekly to work together through his personal statement and supplemental essays. “At the start of the meeting we’d go over each of the supplements I’d written in the last week and go over some edits,” he said. 

Quad Education’s counselors are committed to helping students brainstorm and refine their narratives so that they can eloquently share their unique stories with admissions committees. 

“I feel like the most valuable aspect was essay writing—ironing out a direction…like,  ‘This is a really good concept, but you only talked about it in these two or three sentences, you should expand on it more,’ or ‘you should cut this part because it doesn’t fit in thematically with the rest of the essay,’” he said. 

Our counselors work with students to ensure their essays are edited to perfection while retaining the writer’s voice. James collaborated with his counselor to produce a stellar application!


James was accepted to multiple top colleges, including Brown University, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech. He ultimately committed to Brown University! 

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